It is continuously a smart thought to remain calm and avoid red eyes when going back to home after smoking weed. That is when the eye drops make a difference for you all! It helps in clearing your red eyes back to normal white eyes.
Maybe the main drawback to cannabis is the observable condition such as red eyes just after smoking the plant leaves which might get some stoners into trouble at their home.
You know what? All things considered, as most know, it’s everything in the eyes; the most evident tell on the off chance that somebody is high, aside from an out of control smell and a path of munchies!

Why do Red Eyes happen and how long does it last?
Before choosing what the best eye drops for weed know that it’s the THC which is within weed that turns the white eyes red.
THC or tetrahydrocannabinol influences our red-eye is by diminishing our circulatory strain. One of the impacts of diminished circulatory strain is the development of our veins, including arteries and capillaries. On account of our eyes, the visual vessels become enlarged and take in more blood, and the extended veins on the outside of the sclera cause eyes to show up redder.
However, it’s not painful; you can let it be as it is as your eyes will eventually end up being white after 45-50 min. Or if you are scared that you might get caught while heading back to home, then you may use eye drops to cool it down.
Best approaches to get rid of red eyes are:
1. Use a decent eye drop,
2. Try to avoid living in obscurity or diminish lights in the wake of smoking,
3. Try to avoid direct sunlight in the open air,
4. Try using shades when outside
5. Do not wash water in your eyes after smoking.

Read More: How to Smoke Weed for the first time?
Best Eye drop for weed in India?

It is the best eye drop in India after Ikul+ and is readily available at all chemist shops. It indicates temporary relief from discomfort and congestion occurring with minor eye irritation due to hayfever, dust, smoke, smog, colds, wind, sun and swimming too. It assists in allergic conjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis, phlyctenular conjunctivitis.
Price range is Rs.50.

This drop, in combination with other substances like lubricants such as glycerin, hypromellose or polyethene glycol to help and protect the eyes from further irritation or dryness, and zinc sulphate which helps reduce redness and irritation.
Price range is Rs 70

I-Kul Plus is the best eye drop as it contains Ophthalmic Solution. It is a prescription medicine having a combination of medications that helps to treat allergic diseases of the eye. It relieves redness and swelling of the eye and provides temporary relief from burning and discomfort.
Price range is Rs 65

This decongestant helps to alleviate redness, puffiness, and itchy, watering eyes due to cold, allergies, or eye irritations caused by smog and swimming. It is sometimes used in combination with other substances like lubricants such as glycerin, hypromellose or polyethene glycol to help protect the eyes from further irritation or dryness, and zinc sulphate which helps reduce redness and irritation.
Price range is Rs 70
Himalaya Ophtha Care

Himalaya’s Ophthacare Eye Drops is a unique ayurvedic proprietary product, which indicates for infections and inflammatory conditions of the eye. It reduces the following symptoms, such as itchiness and redness.
Price range is Rs 60
Divisa Herbal Eye Mantra

Divisa Herbal Eye Mantra Eye Drop works as a sufficient Ayurvedic eye drop for itchy eyes and red eyes. The eye infection drop helps to soothe stressed eyes and relieves burning sensation and irritation in eyes.
Price range is Rs 45
Eyron Panchagavya

Gotirth Eyron Panchagavya Gomutra Eye Drops with is made from the -quality urine of Himalayan cows. An excellent gift of Panchagavya! Highly effective in Conjunctivitis, Eye Redness, Eye Inflammation, Visual disorders, Asthenopia.
Price range is Rs 50
Similasan Redness and Itchy Eye Relief
Similasan Redness & Itchy Eye Relief Eye Drops use natural active ingredients like eyebright, not harsh chemicals, to stimulate your body’s defences instead of masking symptoms of pink eye, like redness, burning, stinging, grittiness or discharge.
Price range is Rs 1500
How do I remove redness from my eyes and Are eye drops safe after the use of weed?

One of the most well-known reactions to smoking Cannabis is the redness of the eyes. One motivation behind why this may happen is a direct result of a hypersensitive response to the smoke itself; however, the most probable explanation is a result of the active ingredient inside Cannabis itself (i.e. THC). THC in the body diminishes pulse and causes expansion of the vessels in your eyes, it empowers the bloodstream to toss them and in this way causes red eyes. It is one motivation behind why some glaucoma patients utilize cannabis.
The most widely recognized approach to shroud red eyes was to utilize constrictor eye drops, for example, Clearine or I-Kul. Long haul use can make your eyes red and subject to them or utilizing them time to time may transform your eyes into a slight tint of red. The active ingredient in Clearine, i.e. Naphazoline isn’t something to play with, trust me. Also, naphazoline, using in high dosage may cause an unpredictable pulse, hypertension, severe cerebral pain, and trouble relaxing. Once or twice a day is bearable but not more than that. Furthermore, it might harm the veins in the eyes.
When smoking weed inside or in a vehicle, particularly with a few others, there is a great deal of bothering smoke noticeable all around. Anything that aggravates your lungs will disturb your eyes. While your lungs can adjust, your eyes can’t. Take a stab at smoking outside.
How many times can you use Ikool or Ikool+?

Frequently asked questions are like whether how many times eye drops to you may use like Ikool or Ikool+. Well, I-kul+ is an excellent product as when is used doesn’t cause itchiness as compared to normal Ikool when applied. However, have fewer side effects as compared to normal I-kul. Both show their results in 2 minutes. At first, these arrangements conceal the redness by tightening the vessels to the point of not being noticeable. Slowly it makes your eyes white but, to be honest, regular use of it turns your eyes to have dark circles around it. Normal Ikool does make you have dark circles often when suspected. So it’s recommended to use it in limits.